Town & Country Engineering provides a full range of engineering services to municipalities and acts as a “Village Engineer” or “City Engineer” for many clients. Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment Facility design is one of our specialties.
We also provide water supply and treatment engineering, storm water management engineering and general municipal engineering.

Our Company’s management philosophy is to keep overhead low by retaining a core experienced staff, involving our principals in all projects, and minimizing administrative costs.
Production efficiency is accomplished through the use of state-of-the-art equipment for field data acquisition, plan preparation, and report generation.
Town & Country Engineering, Inc. was formed with a unique philosophy of service. We strive to become a part of the community by periodic meeting attendance and by making ourselves readily available for questions and consultation.
Village of Cambridge – Camrock Bicycle Trail Extension
This project involved extension of a bicycle trail through the Village to connect to a County bicycle trail. New sections of asphalt trail were created through a Village park, and existing streets were re-marked to allow shared use by bicycles and motor vehicles. One U.S. highway and one State of Wisconsin highway were crossed by installation of RRFBs (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons). Permitting through the State Department of Transportation was required. A Dane County PARC grant assisted in financing the cost.
Well No. 10 Radium Removal Facilities and Well No. 14 Construction
This project includes the design, construction and operational training for a HMO radium removal system and additional new drinking water well nearby. The project consisted of a building addition to Well No. 10, pressure filter for radium removal, and chemical feed system. Chemical feed system consisted of chlorine, polyphosphate, a caustic soda (NaOH), and a HMO mixture to remove the radium. The system was designed for existing well capacity of 700 to 1000 gpm but has the added capacity to handle the satellite wells.
City of Richland Center Wastewater Treatment
This project involved constructing a completely new wastewater treatment plant to replace Richland Center’s outdated facility downtown. Over 6.5 miles of 18″ force main now transmits flow to the new plant. The plant’s features include screening and grit washing, activated primary tanks, biological phosphorus removal, WAS thickening, sludge dewatering and drying beds. An innovative pipe pigging cleaning system is incorporated to eliminate potential issues with odor.