Meeting the unique wastewater needs of municipalities and special districts requires we provide a full range of planning, consulting, design and construction management services. Our team understands complex wastewater issues and is very skilled in their ability to identify reliable solutions to protect the environment. Our staff has designed many sewer pipeline replacement and development projects including pump stations, treatment planning, and flow studies.

Municipal wastewater applications are notorious for the difficult—sometimes bizarre—solids that make it into the flow system. These applications pose several difficulties including the presence of non-biodegradable solid waste. You can count on Town & Country Engineering so your community can count on you.
Nutrient pollution is one of America’s most widespread, costly and challenging environmental problems impacting water quality. Excessive nitrogen and phosphorus in our waters can lead to a variety of problems including eutrophication and harmful algal blooms, with impacts on drinking water, recreation and aquatic life. A wide range of human activities can contribute to nutrient pollution including stormwater runoff, agriculture, and wastewater discharges. We use simple and complex solutions develop plans to significantly reduce this pollution in various settings.

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a system of software and hardware elements that allows industrial organizations to control processes locally or at remote locations. Human-machine interface (HMI) software allows the operator to monitor, gather, and process real-time data and directly interact with devices such as sensors, valves, pumps and motors. The SCADA software processes, distributes, and displays the data, helping operators and other employees analyze the data and make important decisions.
From small 30,000-gallon per day installations to large multi-millon gallon per day facilities, Town & Country Engineering has the expertise and experience to meet the needs of your community. We have successfully completed hundreds of projects involving plant upgrades, expansions, and completely new construction.

Example Projects
City of Reedsburg Sludge Processing Upgrade
Date Completed: 2014
Design Population: 13,064
Design Flow: 3.156 MGD
Key Features
- Main Influent Lift Station
- Added Centrifuge Dewatering
- New Lime Stabilization System
- Centrate Storage
Waterloo Utilities Sludge Processing and Aeration Upgrade
Date Completed: 2013
Design Condition: 18,000 gallons sludge per day
Key Features
- Rotary Screw Press Installation
- Energy Grant for Aeration Upgrade
- $10,000 per Year Energy Savings
City of Rhinelander WWTP Upgrade
Date Completed: 2011
Design Population: 8,820
Design Flow: 2.153 MGD
Key Features
- 20″ Force Main – 3 miles long
- Main Influent Lift Station
- Screening and Grit Washing
- Activated Primary Tanks
- Biological Phosphorus Removal
- Class A Batch Fed TPAD Digestion
- Sludge Dewatering and Drying Beds
- Dried Class A Biosolids to 60%
City of Richland Center WWTP Construction
Date Completed: 2016
Design Population: 6,317
Design Flow: 1.462 MGD
Key Features
- 18″ Force Main – 6½ miles long
- Screening and Grit Washing
- Activated Primary Tanks
- Biological Phosphorus Removal
- WAS Thickening
- Sludge Dewatering and Drying Beds
- Pipe Pigging Cleaning System