Brian Berquist, P.E.
Brian brings over 25 years of experience in all aspects of municipal engineering and construction administration. He has worked extensively with all types and sizes of local, state and federal grants.

Ben Heidemann, P.E.
Ben manages wastewater and drinking water services throughout the state. He has worked on a variety of projects to improve wastewater and drinking water. Serving municipalities with treatment needs across the spectrum makes him an expert in emerging treatment technologies.

Greg Droessler, P.E.
Greg has over 30 years of experience in both municipal and water/wastewater engineering. Greg works with clients throughout the state with a wide variety of projects while also managing our Kenosha office.

Mark Barden, P.E.
Mark manages the Rhinelander office, serving client communities throughout North-Central Wisconsin. A veteran of the United States Marine Corps, he has experience throughout the state on large street and utility reconstruction efforts, recreational path and site projects, and has particular experience in rural road rehabilitation.

Ben Heidemann, P.E.
Wastewater Services

Brian Berquist, P.E.
Municipal Services

Amy Bares, P.E., ENV-SP
Drinking Water &
Funding Services

Tim Stieve, P.E., ENV-SP
Stormwater Services

Steve Muther, P.E.

Dustin Esser
Design Services

Jason Anderson
Field and Construction