Our Grant Writing and Administration services enable our municipal clients of all sizes to find potential funding sources, and to prepare competitive applications. Additionally, after funds are awarded to a client, our team can help to ensure compliance with state and federal funding requirements. Our grant writing services are enhanced by integration with engineering services to facilitate an integrated project design. Having an engineering firm involved early in grants expedites project start-up and completion, and ensures compliance with funding requirements.

Town & Country Engineering has successfully helped our client communities obtain grant funding from state, local and federal resources. From project concept through completion, our experienced grant writers work in sync with project teams across multiple service disciplines, differentiating our firm in the engineering and consulting industry.
Successful engineering requires more than design expertise. Most projects begin with a community need, followed by the identification of funding opportunities and assisting the municipality in preparing grant and loan applications. Just as important is the proper guidance from the engineer through the barrage of regulatory compliance issues, the timing of loan and grant programs, and proper assessment of cost-effective means to solve a community’s problems.

When customers with large amounts of high-strength waste have a heavy impact on designing and maintaining community infrastructure, it is often necessary to negotiate special rates and sewage discharge parameters. We have assisted many of our client communities with securing fair and predictable industrial discharge agreements with dairy, brewery and other water users.