We take great pride in supporting quality of life in the communities we serve. Municipalities rely on us to work as an extension of their staff, to ensure the integrity of the infrastructure is maintained and budget-conscious planning sustains the future. Our experience in the consulting engineering and construction management fields providing strong technical expertise in civil, water, street, surveying, and long range improvements.

Town & Country Engineering can provide engineering support from the ground up to design grading plans, cuts and fills, roadway design, curbs/gutters/sidewalks, and more. For all types of public infrastructure design, construction and optimization, we have the tools and know-how to meet your civil engineering challenges.
Town & Country Engineering also provides assistance to communities interested in well-planned growth needing site planning, grading, stormwater management, street and utility design.
We consistently deliver project excellence in all aspects of stormwater engineering, specializing in those challenges unique to Wisconsin. This includes site planning, zoning, new development, municipal, and industrial water runoff and drainage solutions.

We provide wastewater engineering services including planning, collections systems, pump stations, and treatment facilities. We help our clients safely and responsibly address their wastewater issues and comply with public health and environmental standards.
Town & Country Engineering is your single resource for water well systems, water distribution, filtering and water management utilizing SCADA.
Water service is critical to municipalities including treatment, storage, pumping, and distribution. We can help you with efficient planning and design as we work together to improve and maintain your system. If it’s traditional supply, treatment and distribution, or if your project needs a creative approach, we coordinate closely with municipalities, rural water systems and industries to keep this natural resource flowing.

Town & Country Engineering works to enhance communities through the construction of public facilities and parks. We can provide full park design with trails, lighting, play equipment, irrigation, planting, skate park facilities, tennis courts and more.
Pedestrian and bike trails and paved multi-use paths all work together to help people get to where they want to go. Our professional engineers are authorities in flexible transportation and lifestyle planning and design. Whether it’s retrofitting existing roadways for new transportation options or building new facilities in independent rights-of-way, our designs are safe and appealing.

Municipal Projects

Village of Cross Plains – Mill Creek Parkway
This innovative project involved constructing a new street adjacent to Black Earth Creek, which is recognized as a premier trout fishing destination and a regionally significant and unique resource. Stormwater management was of paramount concern. Town & Country Engineering incorporated innovative stormwater management techniques, including bioretention, permeable asphalt pavement parking area and porous concrete sidewalk into the street design. Close coordination with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Village of Cross Plains staff made this project highly successful.

City of Rhinelander – Downtown Reconstruction
This $10,000,000 project involved complete reconstruction of twelve blocks of downtown Rhinelander, including complete sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer and street reconstruction. Existing sidewalks were removed and replaced with new streetscaping, and a completely new streetlighting system was installed. Town & Country Engineering obtained a Rural Development Agency grant and loan package for the City. Additional financial assistance was obtained from the Department of Natural Resources Clean Water Fund and Safe Drinking Water Fund programs. Coordination with downtown businesses was essential. Removal of old coal chutes and coal rooms under the sidewalk was achieved by inventorying these below-grade features using ground penetrating radar and with a building inspection program. Building roof drains were disconnected from the sanitary sewer system and reconnected to the storm sewer system.

Village of Blue Mounds – Commercial and Industrial Parks
This project consisted of new construction of an 18-acre commercial park and a 40-acre industrial park financed by the Village with Tax Incremental Financing District funds. In the commercial park work included construction of new streets with curb & gutter and extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to the site. Construction of a new sewage pumping station was necessary. Stormwater management features including thermal control for sensitive downstream waters, total suspended solids and rate control using dry detention ponds, and runoff quantity control using stone infiltration beds.

City of Jefferson – Washington Street and Sanborn Street Reconstruction
This project involved construction of new storm sewer of several blocks of Washington and Sanborn Streets to eliminate flooding caused by an undersized storm sewer system. Existing sanitary sewers and water mains were also replaced, and streets and sidewalks were reconstructed. Close coordination with area schools and churches was essential to the success of the project.

Village of McFarland – Grandview Conservancy Path
This project involved extension of a bicycle trail through the Village to connect to a County bicycle trail. New sections of asphalt trail were created through a Village park, and existing streets were re-marked to allow shared use by bicycles and motor vehicles. One U.S. highway and one State of Wisconsin highway were crossed by installation of RRFBs (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons). Permitting through the State Department of Transportation was required. A Dane County PARC grant assisted in financing the cost.