2025 Street & Utility Improvements – Cherry Street, Mill Street, Railroad Street and Madison Street Sidewalk

Water main reconstruction, sanitary sewer reconstruction, storm sewer reconstruction, new crushed aggregate base course, new curb & gutter, new sidewalk, new asphalt pavement and grass restoration along Cherry Street, Mill Street and Railroad Street, pavement reconstruction in two City-owned parking lots off of the 100 block of Church Street and a downtown alley, along with sidewalk repairs along North Madison Street, and  Brown School Road and Garfield Avenue sidewalk.

Schedule:  Construction is expected to begin as early as April 2025 and be completed by October 2025

2025 Porter Road Utility, Street and Path Improvements

Street and utility reconstruction along Porter Road, including a 12’ x 6’ box culvert replacement and approximately 2,100 centerline feet of asphalt path construction, Allen Creek path and Westfield Meadows sidewalk.

Schedule:  Construction is expected to begin as early as April 2025 and be completed by October 2025.


Utility (Water Main, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer) Improvements

Work is anticipated to be completed in the fall, except the final 1.5 inches of surface asphalt, which will be completed next year to allow for repair of any settlement issues resulting from freeze/thaw.  Needed warranty repairs will also be completed next spring. The underground utilities will be constructed first, starting with the sanitary sewer and water main.  All sewer and water laterals (the pipe from the main to your home) will be replaced approximately to the sidewalk.  If the existing lateral beyond the property line appears to be in poor condition or of substandard material, the homeowner will be notified.  Homeowners wishing to replace their lateral on private property are encouraged to contract directly with their own private plumber.  If the water lateral is lead or galvanized steel, the City will allow homeowners to use their contractor, and associated costs can be added to their final assessment. During the installation of the new water main, there will be periods of time (2-4 hours) when some residents will be without water service.  Because of the location of the existing water main, some homes may need temporary water connections via above-ground piping or hoses.  This will be done entirely by the contractor.  The contractor is required to notify all affected residents 24 hours prior to any scheduled service interruptions.  Water shut-downs will be required to tie the new main into the existing water main, and also during the switch-over from a home’s old lateral to its new lateral.  The contractor will maintain access to all homes as much as possible during construction.  However, there will be periods of time that trenching will cross driveways or intersections and will require temporary closures.  The work will require replacement of all water laterals which will require excavation from the main to your property line (approximately the backside of the sidewalk).  Any residents with landscaping, sprinkler lines, invisible fence, or other private items in or around this area are advised to have them relocated prior to construction beginning to avoid damage. Residents will be notified prior to any driveway closure so they may move their vehicles, if needed.  All driveways will have access restored at the end of each workday.

Water Service Lateral

A pipe that feeds water to your house, is made of lead or galvanized steel. Due to concerns with the presence of lead-based products in a drinking water system or very brittle and prone to breaking galvanized steel, the City requires you replace your water service with a new copper water service. The City is responsible for the water service from the water main to (and including) the curb stop. A curb stop can be identified as a metal plate flush with the ground that is typically in the grass area between the curb and sidewalk, if applicable. The customer is responsible for the water service from the curb stop to the house. The City already has replaced the water service from the water main to the curb stop at their expense. If the private line is not replaced within 90 days, the City has the right to shut off the water to your property.

Sidewalk and Curb & Gutters

The work will require replacement of sidewalk which will require excavation.  Any residents with landscaping, sprinkler lines, invisible fence or other private items in or around this area are advised to have them relocated prior to construction beginning to avoid damage. The sidewalk that will be reconstructed is marked with pink paint. Please contact us with a questions regarding specific removals. Rainy weather or snow until that time could delay the project start.   The contractor will maintain access to homes as much as possible during construction.  However, there will be periods of time that sidewalk will cross driveways or intersections and will require temporary closures.  Residents will be notified prior to any driveway closure so they may move their vehicles, if needed.  All driveways will have access restored at the end of each work day.  Per City policy, 50% of the cost of replacing curb & gutter and sidewalk is assessed to the adjacent properties.  Once design has been completed, a preliminary assessment hearing will be held with the estimated limits and costs of the curb and sidewalk replacement being provided to every resident along the project.  One hundred percent of the cost of driveway replacements needed for the project is assessed to each property owner. Curb, sidewalk, and driveway replacements needed due to utility repair are not assessed to the residents.

Garbage Pick-Up

Garbage pick-up will continue to be picked up weekly. Garbage cans will need to be placed by the curb no later than 6 am on your normal pick up date. If the garbage truck cannot access the roadway, the contractor will move all garbage cans to the nearest intersection for the garbage company and return them by the end of the day. It is recommended you temporarily label your garbage cans with your address while construction is going on.

Emergency vehicles

Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times during construction.

Mail Service

Mailboxes may have to be temporarily relocated to intersections if requested by the Postmaster.

Curb & Gutter

Curb & gutter is replaced if it is cracked and has vertical or horizontal offsets, standing water, broken curb head, backpitch, or extensive pitting. Curb & gutter sections being replaced will be marked with pink or white paint. Evansville does not assess residents for curb & gutter.